I just completed building a perfect copy of my seat frame and rear upright, using the original parts as a model.
Now that I am done, I am selling the original seat frame and the rear upright support.
Mind you, these are far from perfect! They have been twisted and bent over the years.
The rear upright is bend, but nothing a little heat from a torch and some hammer work wont fix.
Seat frame, same thing, Except, it aint complete, its missing one of the side pans. easily replicated by a sheet metal shop.
The wrap around 1/2" rod is bent up too. Back of rear angle iron got a bend as well. Overall, solid, just needs the loving hands of someone with patience to bend it back into shape. (which I didnt have... prefered to go all new and fabricated from scratch)
Have pix to anyone interested in either parts. BTW... both parts went thru sandblasting and are currently primered as well.. Wasnt sure If I was going to repair/rework them at the time
Anyway... They can be had Cheap.. what say 30 bucks for the seat assembly, another 10 for the upright rear support. Nice start for anyone without any seat at all, to use as it with a little work, or ue as a template, as I did, to fabricate your own. I can tell you it took me a a heckuva lot more $$$ in just metal parts to make my replacements
All prices plus shipping. Ill get a qoute should there be an interest. send me an email to send the pix off to if interested.
Some seat parts
Some seat parts
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Re: Some seat parts
Hi there
Good to here you now have a new seat !! Mine is missing the seat although I have the angle supports and the toolbox tray. I would love to buy your original seat however postage to the UK would probably be too much for an item only fit for a pattern to fabricate a new one from. Is there any chance of making a drawing of the side panel, rear panel and seat base, I should then be able to work out the 1/2" round bar edge from these.
Good to here you now have a new seat !! Mine is missing the seat although I have the angle supports and the toolbox tray. I would love to buy your original seat however postage to the UK would probably be too much for an item only fit for a pattern to fabricate a new one from. Is there any chance of making a drawing of the side panel, rear panel and seat base, I should then be able to work out the 1/2" round bar edge from these.