anyone really use their Clark for work?

General Discussions of the Clarkair Bulldozer and its applications.
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anyone really use their Clark for work?

Post by dachoppa »

I have had mine at the cabin for awhile now, using it to push delivered gravel and rock and shale.. Now, it does work well, but its ME!!

I cant seem to get the hang of operating it well. Yea, I can move the material and spread it out OK, but I cant seem to keep a really nice flat grade and/or level job.. all ruts and divits and stuff. Make one rut, and the machine goes into said rut only causing another rut when the blade dips! Arggg!

back dragging the blade helps some. Small cuts, stop, back up, do again helps too... still, I cant seem to get the hang of it!

Advise on making me look better operating this thing pklease!
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