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Alex Schmidt 2nd Clarkair

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:11 am
by welbike
Here's the second one, well not really, I seem to have never made any pictures!! just the engine tag.

It's in such a sorry state, but I got it for a song, so some parts will be usefull someday.

It came from the UK, in 2006 or so.


The dataplate was used on another restoration, and is in a museum in Holland now, will take better pictures when I visit next time, and write down the numbers.


Is that an early dataplate?? (aarrgghh I want it back!) or is it the dataplate for the dozerblade??


Re: Alex Schmidt 2nd Clarkair

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:05 pm
by admin

That is the same plate style that I have on the blade of my CA-1.
