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Clark CA-1 TM5-3020 from Portrayal

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:46 pm
by Bill_Wolf
I have some questions about this manual. Has anyone else purchased it from Portrayal Press?

Below is the manual inside cover. I believe this was what the the Military cover looked like.

You will note several things:

1. It does not contain the TM number. 2. Does not have the publish date. 3. Only covers Dozers up thru 1943.

Unfortunately my CA-1 is a serial number beyond the cut off date.

I also noticed that the included parts catalog does not look military. It has no standard part numbers for common parts and in the Carb area it lists "0 - 10099". Whether that is a serial number range or means something else I don't know. Could it be that when Portrayal put this booklet together they included a Civilian post war parts book to go with the early TM.

I trying to id parts that don't seem to match what is listed in the parts catalog or pictured in the repair section. And in looking at the Serial number database none of the units registered are covered by the Portrayal TM.

Does anyone have the TM for the 1944 built CA-1 units about Serial number CA-144xxxx or 1944 production?

Your thoughts?



Re: Clark CA-1 TM5-3020 from Portrayal

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:51 pm
by 17thairborne
The TM for the Clark is not very good. I unfortunately got mine a t a more expensive place, but I have 1,2,3 as separate manuals. I think Dachoppa has an original 1943 with all 3 parts, but I believe it was published with only the earlier SN/Reg Nos in it also. In order to have that data we need someone who has a copy of the alleged 1944 manual. I have never seen one, nor heard of anyone with it. The quest is on.

I too wondered about my SN.


Re: Clark CA-1 TM5-3020 from Portrayal

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:33 am
by dachoppa
I do have an origianl TM5-3020 manual... date on back cover is as follows:

First printing - April, 1943
2nd printing - August, 1943

Front cover has NO date either.

It simply states:

Model CA-1


clark tructractor division
Battle creek, Michigan

Now, my manual is not bound.. that is, its like a bunch of individual manuals, all with punch holes, looks like it was intented to go into a binder, a binder with the metal snap rings.

Mine is held together with a metal wire thri the two punch holes.

THis manual is in a number of sections.

First section afte the front page, has a photo of the crawler, back left side view, sort of aa birds eye veiw, and the caption above this photo states:

Location of controls and instruments.
there is 31 pages to this section.

Next section, actually has a thicker pagge, much like the front page.. Actually, just like the front page. its titled:


it contains 101 pages and has a sample requisition form to fill out to get parts.

3RD section:


maintenance manual and parts catalog
Dated May 25, 1943

shows the operation of the dozer, how the grade, use the blade, etc, on slopes, flat ground, etc
lots of photos.

Also ghas detailed veiews of the hydrualic operation, parts, assembly, etc.

How to put a crawler dozer portion onto the tractor.

stuff like that.