I received my Generator and Voltage Regulator from Harvey Brothers yesterday. Here is the parts data from the TM
The TM calls for the following VR: Autolite TC-4301B
I have an Autolite TC-4305A According to Harvey Brothers it should work just fine.
The TM calls for the following GEN: Autolite GBU 4209A
I have an Autolite GBU 4607 A, again it meets the specifications spelled out in the TM.
Generator/Voltage Regulator
- 17thairborne
- Posts: 188
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:52 pm
- Location: New Mexico
Generator/Voltage Regulator
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
- 17thairborne
- Posts: 188
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:52 pm
- Location: New Mexico
Re: Generator/Voltage Regulator
I've got the generator ready to go. Finished the paint touch up and cleaned off the data plate and mounted the VR back on. I'm getting closer to a hook up of electrical components so I can get it running before the move. Here are the generator images. I was contemplating purchasing new data plates, but I think I will leave these as is. The one I replaced on the distributor was so obliterated it looked like a flat piece of metal with no definition. I suppose it would be nice to see the colors behind the lettering, but this will do for now.
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
- 17thairborne
- Posts: 188
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:52 pm
- Location: New Mexico
Re: Generator/Voltage Regulator
I just noticed in the TM the round metal plate under the knurled brass knob on the top should be plain metal, not painted. I suspect cadmium plated or something like that. I'll have to fix that before mounting. I suspect I have been diving into this project somewhat hastily. I think it's to be more methodical and look at each component in terms of a listing of individual part which should be listed by finish. For those of you who have ever seen a copy of "How to Restore Your Harley WLA" by Brian Palmer you will now what I mean. Each and every part is listed in terms of painted (with color), nickel plated, cadmium plated or parkerized. That would be a monumental undertaking to do all at once, but a little at a time it might be something worth while.
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
- 17thairborne
- Posts: 188
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:52 pm
- Location: New Mexico
Re: Generator/Voltage Regulator
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion
44 CA-1 SN 1441128, USA-9113082
44 CA-1 SN 1441158, USA-9113112
44 WLA SN 42WLA565, USA-692406
I collect anything from the 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion